What we offer

Code Review

Code Review

Review your code for security and reliability. We qualify your developers and your code. We will come up with suggestions to improve speed and scalability.

Security Review

Security Audit

We scan your code for threats and vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or XSS attacks. If you have hardware involved we are happy to investigate.


Scalability Audit

Expecting great success? Be sure your software can scale with you. We look at the architecture and see if the setup capable of handling your growth.

Software since 1990

Robota Softwarehouse BV was founded in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 1990 and has been designing, developing and auditing software ever since. Our developers have over 25 years of experience and are still passionate about the latest technology.

Robota means 'work hard' and has been the basis for the well know word 'robot' - a machine that can work hard.

We speak fluently C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Perl, Pascal, Flutter, Cordova, GO, Javascript, Typescript, React, React-Native, Objective C, Swift, SQL, ... Together we have developed over 100 apps, countless websites with real functionality (including SaaS solutions) and we have good knowlegde about embedded systems and the software involved. We worked for the biggest tech companies in the world and decided to dedicate our knowlegde to organizations that need it. Thanks to our many years of experience we can always calculate a fixed price for you (assuming a clear boundary), without suprises.

Outsourcing? That is a very good reason to hire us!

Software Audit

Software gets more complex

With todays software development more and more lines of code are involved. A SaaS solution can quickly go to 10ths of thousands lines of code. Programmers tend to think they are senior very quickly and use a lot of AI generated code. This poses a serious security risk to your business. We do not look at code to see if it is beautifully written but to see if it meets security standards that todays internet requires.

We don't mind hacking your hardware if required.


Can your software follow your growth?

If your business runs well you want your software to grow with you and not become an obstacle for growth. We will audit your process from deployment, scalability to backups.
Our main expertise is in Linux/Unix deployment and the scalability of databases and software. We create for you a report containing a SWOT analysis and recommendations.

Rapid Prototyping


You have a good idea for an App or Website. Not just a static website but one with the backing of a database, connections to others systems, or other functionality.
With all our experience we are capable of creating you a prototype app or site for a fixed price. You get a working prototype and all the code and documentation we create for you.

Last but not least, if you have your plan well written down we make this for a fixed price! No suprises afterwards, no cure no pay!

Solving Software Problems

Problem Solving

Maybe your database or site becomes slow due to your growth; you are worried about security or backups. Or your programmers are stuck on a problem. We can help you. Programmers with over 40 years of daily programming experience are ready to assist you!

Discretion and NDA

As you perhaps noticed our clients are not listed. We do everything with discretion and under a Non Disclosure Agreement.
We do not share anything and everything is securely wiped from our computers at your first request or at the end of our project.

A range of reliable and trusted professionals stand ready to investigate your software. All dedicated to privacy and discretion.

We are here to save enterprise companies and governments money or make sure they have scalable, stable and reliable systems.

We care about the privacy or your projects
Quality comes with a price

Quality & Experience

Our advice will be fair and honest. Sometimes not what you want to hear.
Example: A big construction company spent over 700K on developing a product. The company that developed the software asked for the third time to raise the budget. 700K was spent and it seemd reasonable to spend another 75K to 'finish' the project. Our research found out that nothing working had been developed, so stopping the project and taking the loss would be the best option.

We charge € 300,-- per hour for short research or Due Diligence investigation. We prefer a fixed price if possible.

Contact Us

If you are serious about the security, quality and scalability of your product, require a due diligence or have serious issues with your software, please contact us at info@robota.nl. We are always willing to discuss your project and decide together if a fixed-, bounty-based- or hourly-based price is the best for you.

Contact Us